Tuesday, February 17, 2009

highest validity

whatever moniker is derived,
there is no equal or lesser value.
place the eraser upon the slight trigger
of your free in-theory free,
which travelled with standard proof, tested
against its own trademark, fallacised.
forever so be our befallen differences.
help bereave and shave the art
because there may be no defining it, and
what that means is your opinion can not be
the best, means there is no top to a circle,
and they all hold the highest validity
there. if one more person tells me that i
should not use the word should. if you were
really a believer that everyone's thoughts
and actions are acceptable, you wouldn't
be participating in this argument. and you
wouldn't be a believer. sit it out, kid.
leaning down to throw the stone. skip,
and see the ripples. they're like little curtsys
to the moon. don't look so. your face tells
your head to be stubborn. tells me to
smile more. clenching your chin in,
following your mouth out into a kissless cycle

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