Wednesday, June 10, 2009


these are the days you fly away from.
i know you've built your case, escaped us now,
gone riding your dreams of flying. i know more.
you are smiling. you're laughing like me.
you are crazy, shaken and riddled with laughter
like vines that take over empty cathedrals.

you walked me through the prayer circle at
the old church you remembered that night.
we laughed when you led me right to it. our dreams
were never as faultless as your's.
i needed clarity, but i prayed for you. you

are a cartoon self in a mess of understood magic.
your great capability. you hear chords in c major,
faint and lovely, always approaching, beginning again.
do you love me there? do i pass the pipe?
when i dream of you, i am looking up from
the bottom of the pool, bright, the taste of chlorine
that never goes down. i seem to be half-kid, forever.
i am all water ballads and sesame seeds, i'm just full of it.
i don't wonder anymore- it is perfect
where you are. your drug

is fashionized, a bathroom vanity, addicted to you.
revolt of demands, welcome violation to
any mystery. it is, and you are, absolutely,
more beautiful there. i know but

is this fear mine to keep now, predator? i know and i
know more. you are a memory of shields,
you as your's and mine. we have
the deep medecine of imagining in this world.
and you have this, evidence for a proposal, man
beside you, whistling for your clone of a coma ear.
he is your new white knight, shimmering and strange.
childhood accomplice. he fights me off
with the dragon of the day. you're his
scooter selling princess, teeth gleaming at all
the right white. we wait.

we're waking up in a world real with officiallys, a
soundtrack that just tells us. we brush the taste away.
cigarettes, meals we don't really like. ah,
we feel very right, though, about not enjoying them.
we get our milk from this other place. maybe
we wish we could keep from holding our
presence. i raise my hand; i have to make up for
the understanding. i wish i were flying- i am
the one who has to live, and live with that joy.

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