Thursday, July 29, 2010


went out to the woods with a folder
and an "all creatures veterinary clinic" pen.
sign says "visitors please secure all your personal belongings"
bugs so loud they sound like planes, planes so loud
they cocoon half the scene, their serious
little bodies, thorax filled with business trips,
everything secured.

watched a bird jump down into the grass, brave
without the thought of it.
watched a bug bite me.
watched a group of deer coming out of the brush,
one to sit in the setting sunlight.
the sky was a filmy yellow seal
like mucus that protects a throat.

when we move truth up the stomach
and over the tongue, we break the seal
that the indifference of others makes.
indifference is our nature. mine is not a threat to me,
but when most of us are now being
cut out of the opinionless womb of our mother,
we need to get dressed for the after party.
we dress in preparing for contact.

out here, i am entreated by the fear
of what we must be capable of
just to keep from knowing.
the problem, the whole problem is the knowing.
it feels like something i justify
once i've moved with the fractured lies
i've made, severing around my realizations
that the wishes of others cancel each other out
and spin the o-zone into place.
so to keep going
we must go without the thought of it,
into the brash of gravity, unknowing-
everything weightless must let the memory go.

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